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Dec 7, 20214 min read
Sales pre-boarding; Your blueprint to staring on the right foot.
Most companies have the 30-60-90 day plan in order but I think there is a lot of magic from the time the candidates sign an offer to the...
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Nov 30, 20216 min read
How can you avoid playing pata potea with your sales force?
It’s the maize harvest season in Rift Valley and it's not only a boom season for the farmers like myself but it's raining money for the...
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Nov 17, 20214 min read
Claim your sales personal brand today! 3 Steps for defining your sales brand
Personal brand refers to the reputation and perception people have when thinking about you. For you to have a reputation you must be...
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Nov 9, 20213 min read
4 Tips for a great customer experience in virtual sales.
When economies of countries were forced into lockdowns as a way to curb the spread of COVID-19, virtual selling was adopted as a...
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Oct 26, 20212 min read
The number one reason why you are struggling with virtual selling and what you can do about it.
Is there really a difference between virtual selling and traditional in-person selling? I would argue for the most part that there isn’t...
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Oct 18, 20212 min read
Don't Fall For These Virtual Selling Myths
Traditionally, sales was built on in-person meetings and events but now sales has evolved to include virtual selling with the use of...
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Oct 5, 20213 min read
4‌ ‌ways‌ ‌to‌ ‌succeed‌ ‌in‌ ‌virtual‌ ‌selling‌ ‌ ‌
On Thursday 23rd we held a webinar on virtual selling tips and tricks. With the announcement of Kenya's first COVID-19 case in March,...
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Sep 13, 20214 min read
A beginner’s guide to virtual selling
With COVID-19 disrupting our normal day-to-day lives and businesses, there came a need to pivot and innovate. In the past, businesses...
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Aug 4, 20212 min read
Three most effective ways to get an entry-level sales job.
Graduation season is a period of transition from a carefree young person to a young adult with responsibilities. Campus life can be...
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Jun 28, 20212 min read
The top 4 transferable skills in sales.
In a previous blog, we discussed the three main reasons why you should consider sales as a career. One of the main reasons is that sales...
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Jun 15, 20215 min read
Traits to look for or cultivate in your sales team
There have been rumors and assumptions around some of the traits that are expected from a salesperson. Just to mention one, we've been...
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Jun 14, 20212 min read
3 reasons why you should consider sales as a career.
Sales is a highly rewarding job that requires continuous improvement through learning and patience. If you log in to Fuzu or...
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Apr 23, 20213 min read
A guide to working from home for you and your sales team.
It's yet another year of working from home. Here are some guidelines for your sales team to help them work.
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Oct 12, 20202 min read
"Why I chose a career in Sales"
Sales is one of the most underrated careers in Kenya. Not everyone grows up knowing that they want to go into sales, in fact, most people...
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